Before you see the doctor, you must complete and sign a registration form required by federal regulation and for which you will be asked to provide personal information about yourself. Once accepted, patients who are new to the practice should provide this information by telephone in advance of their appointment so that the registration form can be prepared and ready for your signature when you arrive. Also thanks to federal regulation, new patients should bring their driver's license to confirm their identity. On your first visit you can expect the doctor to listen to your problem, ask some questions about your medical history, and perform a physical examination. This process may be brief for a minor problem, or extensive for a complex ailment. Bring any medical records and X-rays that you think the doctor may need to review in order to evaluate your condition. You will be asked to list your medications and allergies. If you anticipate that your condition is serious, it is always a good idea to include a loved one in the medical discussions. After the visit, your family will want to know "what the doctor said." If additional diagnostic tests are ordered, always seek to learn the results of those tests from our office directly, and usually from the doctor who evaluated your problem. You should call the office for results a reasonable amount of time after the tests have been completed. |