practice of medicine is fundamentally the art of
diagnosis; the identification of a problem through analysis of its
signs and
symptoms. Our bodies are unimaginably complex with millions of working
so the odds of actually helping a patient will greatly improve if an
diagnosis can be made. Fortunately, when afforded an opportunity, a
will very often describe his or her problem for the doctor, devoid of
medical terminology. Good diagnosticians are always good listeners. Of
our elected representatives have had some opportunity to carefully
listen for
and identify specific problems with American healthcare, how it is
and how we pay for it.
Our current healthcare system is populated by suppliers,
providers, insurers and consumers. What are the major problems that
have been
described with increasing frustration about each of these groups?
- Suppliers. Consumers interact
with suppliers mostly when buying medications and complain about
inflated pricing, especially to fund expensive marketing to consumers
who cannot directly purchase these potentially dangerous products
- Providers. Consumer interactions
with doctors and hospitals are usually on an ‘as needed’ basis.
Instinctively, consumers want their doctors to pay attention to them
and give them advice that they can trust. Patients do not appreciate
conflicting interests that influence and distract physicians, such as
business ventures with suppliers, insurance or employment contracts, or
other referral agreements. As for hospitals, consumers absolutely hate
the ‘$50 aspirin’! For the consumer, most hospital charges cannot
possibly be justified, and the inflated pricing makes the patient a
hostage of his insurance coverage.
- Insurers. Consumers interact
with their insurers most often and grievances are frequent. Insurance
choices are limited and expensive, but perhaps the most common
complaint is ‘paying for insurance and then not being insured’; that
is, after an illness or injury strikes, insurance coverage is denied.
Perhaps the provider is not “in the network”, or perhaps the insurer
thinks the patient “should have known” the illness existed before the
policy started. Insurance policies are incomprehensible and consumers
feel defenseless.
- Consumers. Finally, what do we
consumers dislike about ourselves? Generally, it is the freeloader.
Americans contribute generously to people in need, but we resent being
forced to subsidize a private room with a view for a freeloader who
perhaps might have made better choices. Alas, although we all dislike
the freeloader, we will almost always become one if the opportunity
Once a patient’s illness is correctly diagnosed, treatment
(usually somewhat unpleasant) should target the problem with surgical
to minimize collateral damage to healthy tissues. Because there is
still much
about American healthcare which is exceptional, low risk reforms that
target specific
problems with the current system will be more readily embraced.
Under the current regulatory scheme,
consumers pay insurers,
who pay providers, who pay suppliers. This has created a ‘disconnect’
the pricing of healthcare and its value to consumers, resulting in our
out of
control “cost curve”. Consumers deserve to have more direct
transactions with their
providers and suppliers. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out
that an
aspirin cannot cost $50! Consumers need know nothing about medicine to
reasonable value judgments for themselves, the first of which should be
the free
and un-coerced selection of a trusted, independent physician for
representatives should support the following reforms:
- Reestablish the mutual trust of
the doctor-patient relationship. Doctors paid directly by patients
should be able to earn a good wage just for being doctors, making other
sources of professional income unnecessary. All forms of fee splitting,
kickbacks and other referral or self-referral arrangements should be
- Remove the legislative obstacles
to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). (Ideally, all physicians’ fees would
be paid from HSAs.) HSAs also reestablish the direct transactions that
will make providers and suppliers more sensitive to the value judgments
of consumers. Insurers should reimburse consumers directly, with
benefits that are predefined. Then, when consumers pay providers,
providers will respond to the consumers’ perception of value, and price
their goods and services accordingly. Inflated pricing will not be
tolerated in a consumer driven market and the shock will ripple through
the supply chain, finally “bending the cost curve”.
- Current regulation allows an
insurer to, in effect, practice medicine without a license. Effective
legislation to reform ‘network’ exclusion and pre-existing condition
contract language has been proposed* and is long overdue. Much has been
said about increasing competition among insurance carriers. The
government could encourage competition by simply allowing health
insurance policies to be marketed across state lines, and ending the
industry’s other anti-trust exemptions. Also, the tax code which
penalizes the purchase of health insurance independent of one’s
employer is unfair, and should finally be revised.
- Medical advertising represents
an enormous and unnecessary healthcare expense. Our 35 year experiment
with medical advertising should end. Ban all direct-to-consumer
advertising of controlled medical goods and services (defined as those
goods and services which, because of their expense, finite availability
and potential for harm, may only be dispensed by or under the order of
a licensed physician for the treatment or prevention of an illness or
injury). This alone would save many billions of dollars annually in
hospital, pharmaceutical and physician advertising costs.
- Although physicians
traditionally offer safe and effective medical care to everyone
regardless of their ability to pay, no market system can long survive
by offering consumers who pay nothing the same goods and services as
consumers who pay something. Patients who need or want medical care at
no cost could be directed to teaching institutions (that may enjoy
increased federal funding) where medical students and residents can
provide services safely under expert supervision as an invaluable part
of their training. Not fancy, but good care for people who need it.
- The cost of defensive medicine
far exceeds the cost of actual malpractice litigation. It is so
insidious and ingrained into our healthcare system that providers often
no longer recognize when they are practicing defensively. Caps on
non-economic damages have been debated for decades, while other
reasonable avenues for improvement are ignored. For example, the
potential for litigation is a major obstacle to free clinics and
charitable care. Providers who offer free healthcare should be able to
do so under immunity agreements with patients. Some reforms can benefit
both plaintiffs and defendants. Expert witnesses in malpractice cases
routinely offer their narrowly supported opinions as widely accepted
standards; and do so with utter impunity. Discouraging such misleading,
self serving and patently false testimony with adverse actions through
professional societies or state licensure boards would eliminate many
groundless and futile trials without preventing meritorious ones from
being heard or quickly settled. Many more suits could be avoided or
settled if it were easier to recover court costs and reasonable
attorney’s fees.
For 2500 years doctors have taught their students that
it is
always much easier to hurt patients than it is to help them. Like a
person, healthcare is a complex system with millions of working parts.
I hope
our representatives consider reforms that will target the perceived
problems rather
than just making things worse for all of us. Thank you.
* Illinois State
Medical Society |